*Registration is required for each day separately

One of the largest autumn events
in the field of pediatric healthcare in Russia.

In creating masterpieces of world cultural heritage, great artists and composers multiplied their talent, honing their skills through education and diligent work. Pediatrics is a healing art, demanding regular improvement of professional knowledge and competencies from a physician, an art that gifts the world its most significant and valuable masterpieces — healthy children. This determined the title of the next Congress of pediatricians of the Moscow region — «Pediatrics as an Art».

What awaits you?


of training


experts from Russia
and foreign countries


reports, round
tables, and master classes




Organizing Committee


Sapanyuk A. I.
Minister of Health
of the Moscow Region


Zinatulina E. V.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Moscow Region.

Odinaeva N. D.

D.Sc. in Medicine, Professor, Chief External Pediatric Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Region «MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky», Director of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Region «Research Clinical Institute of Childhood of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region».

Greetings to the Congress participants

Main topics

of the scientific program:

Objectives of the Congress

Development of a unified innovative interdisciplinary educational platform for effective interaction of pediatricians in the Moscow Region

Exchange of experience between doctors from the Moscow Region and specialists from other regions of Russia and foreign countries

Enhancing the competencies of pediatricians


of the Congress:



Where and when?

September 6, 2023

(Plenary session and the first day of the Congress)

Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Blvd., 1.

Access to the Moscow Region Government building is granted based on pre-formed lists. To be included in these lists, you must register in advance. When entering the Government building, you must have a Russian Federation passport with you.

September 7-8, 2023

(Second and third days of the Congress)

Platform for the event:

One of the largest events of the fall in the field of pediatric healthcare in Russia.

*Registration is required for each day separately

In creating masterpieces of world cultural heritage, great artists and composers multiplied their talent, honing their skills through education and diligent work. Pediatrics is a healing art that requires medical practitioners to continuously refine their professional knowledge and competencies. It’s an art that bestows upon the world its most significant and valuable masterpieces — healthy children. This has determined the title of the upcoming Congress of Pediatricians of the Moscow Region — «Pediatrics as an Art».

What awaits you?


of training


experts from Russia
and foreign countries


reports, roundtable discussions, and workshops



Organizing Committee


Sapanyuk A. I.
Minister of Health
of the Moscow Region


Zinatulina E. V.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Moscow Region

Odinaeva N. D.

D.Sc. in Medicine, Professor, Chief External Pediatric Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow Region «MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky», Director of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Region «Research Clinical Institute of Childhood of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region».

Greetings to the Congress participants

Main topics.

of the scientific program:

Objectives of the Congress

Development of a unified innovative interdisciplinary educational platform for effective interaction of pediatricians in the Moscow Region

Exchange of experience between doctors from the Moscow Region and specialists from other regions of Russia and foreign countries

Enhancing the competencies of pediatricians


of the Congress:



Where and when?

September 6, 2023

(Plenary session and the first day of the Congress)

Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Blvd., 1

Access to the Moscow Region Government building is granted based on pre-formed lists. To be included in these lists, you must register in advance. When entering the Government building, you must have a Russian Federation passport with you.

September 7-8, 2023

(Second and third days of the Congress)

Platform for the event: